Understanding some of the terms that you are likely to see in most Google Analytics reports.
Hi, I am Arnesh Koul. The Journey so far I have worked in different capacities at CSU for almost 3 years now and have donned a few hats. I started working as a student intern with internal campus communications. It was followed by working with public affairs to measure the efficacy of the University’s PR […]
It’s important to understand the meaning behind the numbers before you can make sense of the data.
We thought we were using Facebook as a product for connecting and building communities. In reality, the product has always been us.
Dear Snapchat,
New year, same old you.
I’ve come to the realization that some things will never change, and — to be honest — I’ve been spending a lot more time with someone else recently. It’s Instagram.
If every single person reached by this video comprised a U.S. state, that population would surpass New York as the fourth largest state in the U.S.
I thought I understood Facebook Reach.
To me, it was as simple as this: The number of people who have seen your content.
I was wrong.
Last month, I wrote about analytics being the bloodstream of a social strategy, indicating the vitality of a brand. After posting Kevin’s Walk, our brand burst into life with a pulse as lively as ever, and the post quickly became our most successful piece of content of all time.
Analytics is a fluid process. It’s all about going from one thing to the next, searching for patterns and other meaningful information gathered from the analysis of data.
Resolutions are about broken things. Since a resolution implies that something ought to be fixed, I’m writing to you instead of 2017. It’s a list for me. Not 9-5 me. Not weekend me. Just me.
For my New Year’s Social Resolution, I want to dive deeper into the world of social media data analytics. Social media data analytics are an integral part of any successful social media campaign. It reveals to creators and managers what works and what doesn’t. Social media analytics also reveal trends, such as the best time […]
This Thanksgiving, I was bombarded with questions about my current internship by relatives and friends’ parents. Those questions were then followed by a bit of confusion when I explained that I worked in social media, instead of news writing or public relations — two fields that come to mind when a degree in journalism is […]
It’s not me, it’s you.
We can’t keep going on and on like this forever…
We process visuals much faster than text. And providing a way to make those table cells of “reach” and “impressions” seem less like a foreign language and more like an understandable measure of success is imperative.