Social Media Starter Kit: Back to Basics

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 12.10.11 PMIt’s the start of a brand-new semester. Students are back. Faculty is back. The campus is alive.

And, your social media accounts are in tip-top shape. Errr. Well, kinda. Sorta. Maybe. Not so much.

Now that summer break is officially history it’s time to get your social media strategy in back-to-school shape.

It’s all about strategy.

Identifying your mission, goals, audiences, content, and how you’ll measure success are critical to a winning social media strategy. This handy worksheet walks you through the process. Peruse through other best practices.

Create a content calendar.

Forecasting what content will go when and where is super critical. This tool is essential for me and helps me direct my team. My content calendar is a running list on Google docs. Each week I print this sucker out and review with the team on Mondays. Beyond the weekly forecast, I have an “Upcoming” section that notes what’s on the horizon.

Post consistently.

Your fans have said they want to hear from YOU when they decide to follow your social media accounts. Don’t be silent. Post 3-5 times per week on Facebook. Tweet at least once per day (more really, try and do more). Instagram 2-3 times each week.

Register your CSU social media accounts.

Do it. Make sure your CSU social accounts are registered and included in CSU’s Social Media Directory.

More solid advice from #CSUSocial:

Finally, subscribe to this blog, Social, for regular tips and advice from #CSUSocial.