Before we ring in the new year (and decade), here are some year-end content ideas for social media, including ideas for finals week, commencement and the holidays.
The #CSUSocial team spent weeks planning and strategizing content for the week of finals leading up to and through Commencement weekend.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
A complete list of graduation assets #CSUSocial created for Spring Commencement 2017
The numbers are staggering: 5.3M people reached. 1.6M views. 500,000+ engagements. Deconstructing CSU’s most popular Facebook post. Ever.
It is time to pass the baton along to the next #CSUSocial intern, so I thought I’d pass on some pointers and advice.
Despite not knowing where I will be in a month, I do know what my hopes I have for myself.
This Thanksgiving, I was bombarded with questions about my current internship by relatives and friends’ parents. Those questions were then followed by a bit of confusion when I explained that I worked in social media, instead of news writing or public relations — two fields that come to mind when a degree in journalism is […]
Commencement is a special time of year for us, and we aim to treat it as such. #CSUSocial takes commencement planning seriously because it’s a big, big deal. Emotions run rampant and we have the opportunity to connect with each of our primary target audiences in unique, meaningful ways. Commencement is about that moment […]
Commencement is the crown jewel of the college experience. Here are six ways to make the most of social content during graduation weekend.