The Swoon Principle

We call it the Swoon Principle.

Every single day, fans around the world choose to engage with Colorado State across social media channels. And it’s awesome. In fact, we often swoon.

Lindsay Connors, our marketing whiz and Pinterest queen, coined the term.  

“The Swoon Principle. It’s tough to explain, but I think it’s approaching communications from a perspective of caring. It’s taking a fan’s love of our brand and reflecting that back toward him or her in a personalized way. It’s very powerful because the recipient sees that the admiration is mutual. It’s not only that they love their university, their university loves them back.”

We meet our audience where they’re are. That may be on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. where we spend time listening, sharing and building community. Here are some of my favorite swoon pieces. I suspect you’ll be hearing from other Social authors about their swoon moments.

I mean, it doesn't get much better than this.
I mean, it doesn’t get much better than this.
We don't typically see a ton of comments on our LinkedIn posts which is what made this comment so special.
We don’t typically see a ton of comments on our LinkedIn posts which is what made this comment so special.
Heck yes we use emojis.
Heck yes we use emojis.
Love it when we can make someone's day. Or in this case, life.
Love it when we can make someone’s day. Or in this case, life.