[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]He’s handsome. He’s strong. He’s our friend. But unfortunately, he is not immortal.
CAM 24 – Colorado State University’s 24th Rambouillet ram mascot – was a fan favorite. His tender demeanor. His perfectly curled horns. His gentle eyes. Ram fans couldn’t get enough. Especially on social media.
In the spring of 2015, #CSUSocial team grew close to CAM 24 and his team of Ram Handlers after hearing news that he was a new daddy to a flock of five precious lambs. We were introduced to the cutest, most cuddliest lambs you’ve ever seen. We got to hold and cuddle his babies and we knew immediately that they would be a social media sensation.
Our fans could not get enough of those cute faces. And because this was the first time that CAM the Ram had lambs, we invited our fans to name the lambs. Click on the images below to see the original Facebook posts, name suggestions and comments.
Over the past several months, CAM 24 was a superstar on CSU’s social media. We cherish our friendship with the Ram Handlers and whenever possible, try to connect with them. Through this relationship, we are able to create some really fun promotional pieces.
We were fortunate enough to get inside-access to CAM 24’s posh life on a private farm. We are among a small group of people who have the privilege of seeing CAM in his own space. No harness. No bridal. Just a cozy stall. A pile of hay. A stream of light beaming through the barn wood. A curious chicken in the background. And CAM, sweetly munching on his breakfast. It’s one of my most special moments with CAM 24.
They say the only thing that stays the same, is change. And while change is not easy, it’s inevitable. On Sept. 19, 2015 (the same day as our biggest football game of the season, the Rocky Mountain Showdown) we were heart-broken to learn that CAM 24 passed away from natural causes. Throughout his four-year career, CAM 24 upheld the University’s pride with great dignity. Although the timing was unfortunate in regards to the Rocky Mountain Showdown, CAM 25 – the young, half-brother of CAM 24 – was ready to step in at the big game, and into his new role as CSU’s youngest mascot.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are proud of all of our mascots – past, present and future. The spirit of CAM the Ram lives on in every single one of them. While the CSU community was saddened by the loss of CAM 24, we are beyond excited to watch CAM 25 grow into his horns![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]