
#CSUSocial Intern Life: Career Conversations

This Thanksgiving, I was bombarded with questions about my current internship by relatives and friends’ parents. Those questions were then followed by a bit of confusion when I explained that I worked in social media, instead of news writing or public relations — two fields that come to mind when a degree in journalism is […]

When Pixels Become Personal: The Wallet Saga

This smells like spam. Part of my daily routine involves interacting with people on Twitter. It’s a unique aspect of my job that I really enjoy, but it’s not always easy to see if what I’m doing is working. Did my words of encouragement to a frustrated student make their day any better? Did the […]

Make it Rain… for Student-Athletes

At Colorado State, our athletics donor club is called Ram Club. Like most schools around the country the name process goes as follows: insert mascot and add club. Simple. What’s not so simple is engaging donors on social media, especially seeing it turn in those desired dollars (insert money emoji). Our Ram Club social media […]

The Swoon Principle

We call it the Swoon Principle. Every single day, fans around the world choose to engage with Colorado State across social media channels. And it’s awesome. In fact, we often swoon. Lindsay Connors, our marketing whiz and Pinterest queen, coined the term.   “The Swoon Principle. It’s tough to explain, but I think it’s approaching […]

Oh CAM, You Look so Snappy

So………we’ve had Snapchat (add us, CSUCamtheRam) since December 2013 and debuted it at the New Mexico Bowl. We’re not shouting that out because we want to be the hipsters of universities creating Snapchat accounts, (although, while we’re talking about it, we might as well claim it) but to say, “we’re still kind of new at this thing.”